Single Donation

Adopt a Buffalo to fight Food Security and Sovereignty in the Abenaki Nation

When you Adopt a Buffalo, you help to feed more families in the Nulhegan Band of the Abenaki Tribe.

100% of your donation helps to care for and manage the Abenaki Herd located at Pitcher Mountain Farm.

Small Donation ~ Big Impact

Benefits for the Abenaki

  • Decrease the direct cost for the farmer to raise and care for a buffalo, thus lowering the cost of the meat for the Abenaki

  • Increase the herd size and acreage where the buffalo roam to provide more meat each year

  • Directly Promotes Food Security for the Abenaki people

  • Promotes a healthy animal, healthy protein source and healthy community

Global Benefits

  • Buffalo help revitalize the soil which promotes healthy grasses & grasslands

  • We are all connected! Your donation helps the Native People, the American icon, the land, the and the environment

Your Donation can help revitalize a Nation!

Visit for more information about Abenaki Helping Abenaki

NH is home to a herd of buffalo owned by the Abenaki Helping Abenaki

Holistic Roots & The Abenaki Nation

Holistic Roots is honored to be working in partnership with Yankee Farmer’s Market and Abenaki Helping Abenaki, Inc., (AHA), acting on behalf of the Nulhegan Band of the Coosuk Abenaki Nation. It is our hope that both the Abenaki Nation and the American herds of Bison thrive once again.

This year, the Abenaki Nation purchased a small herd of Bison as part of their Abenaki Bison Project to supplement their Food Security Program. AHA contracted with Yankee Farmers Market with the help of Pitcher Mountain farm to oversee the management and development of their NH herd. A single, mature bison provides up to 600 pounds of meat, which is distributed, free of charge, to Abenaki families. With over 2500 families to feed in New England, there is a big need.

Holistic Roots plans on supporting this project by serving as a partner 501(c)(3) and working with Abenaki Helping Abenaki. We hope to provide the following assistance:

  • Supporting the Abenaki Food Security Program by identifying fiscal sponsorship for the herd in the form of grants, public funds, and private donations.

  • Allowing members of the Abenaki Nation, and the general public, to directly support the herd.

  • Develop an educational program that enables Abenaki Nation members to learn the skill of raising, managing, and harvesting Bison.

For more information or to get involved, please email


 AHA “Abenaki Helping Abenaki” Inc. (“AHA”), is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization primarily created for charitable, religious and educational purposes. AHA’s mission is to preserve the culture, community awareness, charitable endeavors and outreach of the Nulhegan Band of the Coosuk Abenaki People (“Nulhegan Band”). AHA provides various educational resources to meet the unique educational and culturally related academic needs of the Nulhegan Band and other Native American students. Also, AHA supplies community members with healthy food and necessary essentials in times of need. Lastly, AHA is committed to educating Nulhegan Band citizens and other Native Americans on traditional, organic, agriculture, and sustainable living. 

Interested in helping us with this project?


Further reading:

Read more about the Abenaki Tribe here.

U.S. Department of the Interior Press Release: New Secretary’s Order and over $25 million from Inflation Reduction Act will help incorporate Indigenous Knowledge to restore iconic species. Full Text
S.4639 - North American Grasslands Conservation Act of 2022 Full Text